Special Interest Groups

1. [Single Cell RNA Sequencing Special Interest Group](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a1b364a0924f14479a9b99c803feeffa9%40thread.tacv2/Single%2520Cell%2520RNASeq%2520SIG?groupId=620a9d2a-e7db-47cc-b313-5b8793d3240b&tenantId=021af73b-7bf8-4014-aa49-bcf05c8e29b1)


1. Seminar - 4th February, 2019 [Introduction to CBU and Informatics Approach to Genomics](/CBU/documents/CBU_Seminar1_introduction_slides.pdf)
2. Seminar - 11th March, 2019 [Understanding Transcriptomics with RNA Seq and Microarrays](/CBU/documents/CBU_Seminar2_Transcriptomics.pdf)
3. Seminar - 28th May, 2019 [Variant Identification and Interpretation from Next Generation Sequencing](/CBU/documents/Variant_Identification_and_Interpretation_from_Next_Generation_Sequencing.pdf)
4. Seminar - 1rst October, 2019 [Applications of Optical Genome Mapping]
5. Seminar - 28th November, 2019 [Single Cell RNA-Sequencing: A Primer](/documents/Single-Cell_RNAseq_11252019(1).pdf)
6. Seminar - 16th December, 2019 [Going Long with Nanopore Sequencing: An Update on Clinical Applications]

Virtual Genome Editing Seminar Series

1. Seminar - 27th March, 2020 A mutation-independent CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene targeting approach to treat a murine model of OTC deficiency
Lili Wang, University of Pennsylvania
2. Seminar - 3rd March, 2020 Single-cell and Big Data Approaches for CRISPR Screening
Wei Li, Childrens National Hospital
3. Seminar - 17th April, 2020 How anti-CRISPR proteins inhibit CRISPR-Cas function
Joe Bondy-Denomy, University of San Francisco
Erik Sontheimer, University of Massachusetts Amherst
4. Seminar - 6th May, 2020 CRISPResso2: Analysis of genome editing outcomes from deep sequencing data
Luca Pinello, Massachusetts General Hospital
5. Seminar - 5th June, 2020 Delivering RNA outside the liver by testing thousands of nanoparticles in vivo with DNA barcodes
James Dahlman, Georgia Tech and Emory School of Medicine
6. Seminar - 12th June 2020 Advancing genome editing through collaboration on consensus standards
Samantha Maragh, NIST

Journal Clubs

1. [Genome Graphs](/CBU/documents/Genome_graphs_11-15-19.pdf)
2. [Pan Cancer analysis](/CBU/documents/Pan_can_analysis.pdf)
3. [Single Cell trajectory benchmark](/CBU/documents/single_cell_trajectory_benchmark.pdf)